Tuesday 14 October 2014

New arrival Phoenix at Belfast Zoo.

Today we were amazed to learn that recently at Belfast Zoo, the first Red Panda has been born in 18 years.  Even more astounding was that it was named Phoenix! This is great news as this year is our 10th Anniversary.  We have been busy researching facts about the Red Panda.  Have a look in the comments section.


  1. Snow Leopards and Wild Dogs are predators to the Red Panda.

  2. The red Panda at Belfast zoo is called the Phoenix after are school.

  3. The Red Panda has been extinct in some places in China.

  4. Red panda can reach 20 to 26 inches in length and 7 to 14 pounds in weight. Its tail can be 12 to 20 inches long.

  5. Phoenix the Red Panda was born in Ireland.The last red panda born in Ireland was 18 years ago.

  6. the red panda is usually found in Nepal,Myanmr and central China.

  7. The baby red panda was born it is called Phoenix it only came out last week for the first time it followed its mummy out for the first time the zoo people only new last week about the red panda.Plocia give birth to a healthy female on July 3th. Plocia arrived at Belfast zoo from plock zoo in poland in July 2010. The infant female was born in early July but has proved she ,only emerging from her nest box for the first time in two weeks ago.A red panda has been born at Belfast zoo the first such birth in more than 18 years.

  8. The new baby red panda was born on the 3rd of July but the people who works in the zoo didn't know until last week when it came out of its nest for the first time.

  9. Baby red pandas are great at climbing trees .So that would help them get better at climbing for when they get older.

  10. Red pandas typically grow to the size of a house cat!
    The panda uses their tails as blankets in the winter

  11. Red pandas are great at climbing because there claws are so sharp.

  12. Like the giant panda, red pandas sport a false thumb, which is actually an extension of the wrist bone.

  13. Red pandas have white ears and face. Around the top of the head and back is a red ginger colour that's why they are called red pandas and there back stomach and tail are black and grey

  14. Red pandas primarily eat bamboo leaves and freash shoots as well as berrries blossoms and bird eggs.

  15. The Red panda, or lesser panda, is described as a mammal ( ailurus fulges) similar to a racoon, of the family called Ursidae. A carnivore with reddish - brown fur, white face marking and a long ringed tail.

  16. When Red Pandas are born they are blind.

  17. Red pandas are about 42 inches long, they live in cool temperatures in the rainforest. They live in high trees to keep the preaders away.

  18. Red pandas spend most of their time in trees when they are not searching for food on the ground. Their sharp claws make them agile climbers and they use their long, striped tails for balance. They look slightly awkward walking on the ground with their tails held horizontally behind them. The IUCN believes the red panda faces a very high risk of extinction in the near future. Their total population is believed to be less than 20,000 and it is continuing to decline. There are currently 400 pandas living in zoos around the world.

  19. The Red panda's soft, dense fur covers their entire body, even the soles of their feet. Red pandas use their long, bushy tails to balance when they're in trees

  20. Red pandas are native to Eastern Himalayas and southwestern china

  21. Red pandas are really good at climbing trees.

  22. Red pandas are awesome. There good at climbing trees because of there sharp claws

  23. There is only about 2500 red pandas left in the wild .Red pandas are fantastic climbers. The first baby red panda born in Northen Ireland in Belfast Zoo was born in July the first one in 18 years in Northen Ireland.

  24. Red pandas are the best at climing, there are only 2500. They come from china and live in rainforests.

  25. When red pandas are born they are blind till they get biggger.
